This My Colections Interior Design

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dreaming of a beach cottage

As I've mentioned more than once, I'm not a big fan of winter, so the fact that they're predicting a two-day storm here starting tonight has me dreaming of escaping to a beach cottage somewhere. We've only ever taken one winter vacation and I don't have a beach cottage, but these images from Somerset Bay Home have allowed me to fantasize a little about what it might be like.

Waking up here...

Breakfast here...

Passing by this punch of color on my way outside (to the beach, of course!)...

Dinner here...

A cozy spot to relax in the evening...

Ending the day here... (I know this is a different bedroom than I started out with, but we have options in this cottage :-))

I know that some of you are already snowed in, so hopefully my "vacation without ever leaving home" will provide a little escape for you too! :-) Back to Pattern Inspiration in the next post.



Il cliente delle case prefabbricate appare piuttosto confuso nel momento della scelta finale. Tutte le aziende contattate si mostrano serie e preparate, anche se non mancano differenze anche profonde tra le varie proposte. Quale ditta scegliere, dunque?

Facciamo un passo indietro. La prima importante selezione, in qualche modo, è già stata compiuta scartando le costruzioni tradizionali in laterocemento. Costruire bene in muratura è possibile, ma a costi superiori e a condizioni impegnative. Il principale vantaggio delle case prefabbricate è uno standard qualitativo sempre alto e la possibilità di realizzare edifici ecologici ed isolati a prezzi interessanti con una tecnologia semplice ed accessibile. Esistono moltissimi casi di edifici certificati in Classe Casaclima A o addirittura Gold in provincia di Bolzano, costruiti interamente in muratura. Dietro a queste realizzazioni c’è sapienza tecnica e progettuale e la volontà di tutti i soggetti, dai progettisti alle imprese, sino alla committenza, di costruire edifici efficienti energeticamente, con materiali di qualità e soluzioni costruttive senza compromessi. Uno standard piuttosto lontano dall’edilizia in subappalto di tutti i giorni.

case ecologiche, case in bioedilizia, case naturaliOvviamente non tutte le aziende di case prefabbricate offrono le medesime garanzie costruttive, ma si deve ribadire l’alto livello generalizzato del settore delle case in legno. E’ importante però distinguere tra le tecnologie mirate al risparmio energetico e le ditte che, al massimo, fanno risparmiare sul prezzo iniziale.

Queste ultime, a fronte di un listino allettante, non sono chiaramente in grado di costruire edifici a basso consumo energetico, ma, al massimo, casette da giardinaggio … in versione maxi. Un prezzo eccessivamente basso dovrebbe essere sufficiente per scartare a priori queste ditte per le destinazioni abitative. Chiaramente di prefabbricato queste costruzioni hanno poco o nulla. Quasi sempre si tratta di un semplice assemblaggio in opera di tavole di legno proveniente dall’est europa, senza isolamenti sulle pareti esterne e sul coperto. Le aspettative di vita di queste abitazioni sono oltretutto molto basse, rendendone poco interessante l’acquisto sul medio termine, mentre ci si dovrà aspettare condizioni di confort termico assai scadenti sia d’estate che d’inverno, manutenzioni continue e gravose, attacchi di funghi e insetti, soprattutto in condizioni di umidità persistente.

Scartate, mi auguro, le casette in legno spacciate per case ecologiche a basso consumo, restano le case prefabbricate in legno propriamente dette. Semplificando, sul mercato italiano esistono due macrocategorie di aziende. Da un lato i produttori storici di case in legno, per lo più tedeschi ed austriaci, con grande esperienza e numeri di produzione importanti in tutta Europa, dall’altro piccole ditte di case prefabbricate, quasi sempre italiane, importatori ed assemblatori di case prefabbricate prodotte all’estero.

Nel primo caso, l’alto livello costruttivo si scontra con un minore adattamento alla specifica problematica del singolo, una minore flessibilità ad uscire dagli standard e nella contrattualistica. La qualità costruttiva delle aziende storiche di casa prefabbricate resta un riferimento per tutto il settore e difficilmente sono riscontrabili grosse differenze di prezzo tra le varie ditte. Le soluzioni tecniche, pur con le dovute differenze, presentano notevoli similitudini, a conferma dell’evoluzione storica di tutto il settore.

Da qualche anno sono comparse sul mercato parecchie aziende di case prefabbricate ad ampliare la base delle proposte costruttive per il cliente italiano. La qualità di queste case in legno è solitamente interessante, anche se la produzione è affidata per lo più a ditte straniere, quasi sempre dell’ex jugoslavia. Un notevole vantaggio è la buona flessibilità offerta al cliente a partire dall’adattamento progettuale, sino alle modalità dei pagamenti.

Farsi redigere molti preventivi a pioggia non è sempre la migliore soluzione per poter confrontare le varie offerte criticamente, ma converrà concentrarsi su un paio di ditte di case prefabbricate per poi valutare nel dettaglio gli aspetti economici.

Il mio banale suggerimento resta pertanto quello di visitare parecchie case campione o case prefabbricate in costruzione, prima di decidere l’azienda costruttrice, come può essere un’ottima idea sentire il parere e l’esperienza di chi ha già costruito una casa in legno con una di queste ditte.

Home Decorating Ideas | Home Decoration

Home Decorating Ideas
Home Decorating Ideas
Home Decorating Ideas
Home Interior Decorating Ideas
Home Decorating Ideas
Home Decorating Ideas
Home Decorating Ideas
Home Decorating Ideas
Home Decorating Ideas

The decorations have come down after Christmas and the rooms are looking rather bare. Winter is often a drab time of year and, even though the promise of Spring is just around the corner, why not liven your January days up by investing in some home decorating. Home decorating ideas do not have to break the bank; there are plenty of ideas which can make an immediate impact on the interior of your home without spending too much money. At the other extreme, however, you could hire an interior decorator and go the whole hog! Whatever you choose, however, there are plenty of home decorating ideas around - from chic and sophisticated to ultra modern, or the contemporary cottage look with beams and home-crafted cushions. Home decorating ideas is really a matter of personal preference and depends on the kind of home you have and the lifestyle you live there.

To change the look on a shoestring, alter the positioning of the furniture. If, previously, it was against the walls, pull it all out and reposition it at angles. What about changing the dining room to the lounge and the lounge to the dining room for an immediate change? Even in the smallest houses, there is usually sufficient room to make this change. I did this one weekend a few years ago and it has become an almost annual alteration. My front room [the traditional lounge area] runs through into the traditional dining area with a large opened out area in the wall between. This 'opened-out' area was knocked through before I bought the house, and it is neither an open-plan nor an appropriate size to be closed off by double doors. It looks what it is - a big square gap in the wall, with a wood surround to finish it off! I have actually arranged with a local builder to have this altered to a brick-faced archway. It will certainly look a lot better!

If you are on a budget, even painting one wall as a focal point will look cleaner and brighter. There are plenty of inexpensive wall hangings you can buy from companies like IKEA, the Swedish company with many outlets in the UK. Plants will also liven up any home decorating ideas - they come in a multitude of styles and sizes and are readily available from garden centres which often have huge arrays on display. If, like me, you keep forgetting to water your plants, you would probably be better advised to place silk plants around your home. Their quality is extremely good and they look remarkably lifelike these days.

Living Room Decoration | Room Decoration

Living Room Decoration
Living Room Decoration
Living Room Decoration
Living Room Decorating
Living Room Decorating Ideas
Living Room Decorating Tips
Living Room Decorating Ideas
Living Room Decorating Ideas

If you've decided to decorate your living room in a classic or traditional style, this second part of our two part series will provide you with some wonderful tips and ideas...


Elegance and comfort are essential elements of the classic style living room. Choose a boxy-shaped sofa with comfortable, soft cushions covered in a longwearing woven stripe or damask. Team it with a selection of different seating styles, covered in toning but different fabrics. This looks more natural than a matching suite, and you can pick up bargains to revamp. A chesterfield or chaise longue adds an authentic touch.

Glass-fronted cupboards are perfect for displaying favorite china or old books. Chests and trunks with upholstered tops - or draped with a shawl or throw - provide a useful surface, and hidden storage space, too. Modern items such as the TV and stereo are best tucked away in built-in storage systems.

Look for small decorative tables to hold lamps and collections of silver-framed photos; or buy inexpensive particleboard tables and disguise them with matching floor-length circular cloths trimmed with deep fringing.

Create a soft, atmospheric glow with careful lighting. If you have a central chandelier, fit a dimmer switch so you can create a candle-like glimmer. Wall lights, table lamps, and floor lamps, or candles set around the room, create pools of warm light. Large Chinese-style vases in blue and white or green provide good lampbases; wood stained to a mahogany or ebony finish on brass bases are also ideal. Fit them with a simple parchment or pleated silk shade.

Large, gilt-framed landscapes or portraits look suitably imposing, together with a large framed mirror over the fireplace. Architectural engravings or botanical prints in narrow black frames add a sophisticated touch. Hang them in groups, perhaps linked with a picture bow or stick-on, printed classical swags and borders.

Choose ornaments carefully, avoiding a cluttered look; a single big plaster bust - some museums sell copies of original antiquities - placed on a side table or in the hearth, has real impact. Symmetry is an important element - matching stylized china dogs or cats either side of the hearth is a typical classic look; or place matching china figurines on the mantelpiece.


Small touches can create the impression of graceful living that typifies classic style. Flowers are always important; create a big, splashy formal display of greenery and twigs, and supplement it with fresh flowers in season. Place bowls of scented dried flower heads or potpourri on tables for a drift of perfumed air.

Handworked items, such as tapestry cushions, old silver, and leather-bound books, create a sense of the past. Group objects together carefully to complement each other.

Modern Colors Interior Design

The Color in Interior

Luxury Purple Interior Design Ideas
Luxury Purple Interior Design Ideas
The color of the furniture should be consistent with the colors of the rest of the interior. Matter of personal choice in what range to be selected, but it is important to note that each color creates a different mood in the atmosphere of the luxury room in the perception and therefore the people. Our advice is to draw from the colors of nature and to create comfort and relaxation with purple, yellow and green.

Luxury Living Room Interior Ideas
Luxury Living Room Interior Ideas
The colors and accessories in the modern home must comply, as to your personal preferences and the season of the year. Winter, for example, has its own requirements for comfort, which is easily achievable in the following manner recommended decorator light, almost white flowers as the main part of the color palette.

Modern Red Interior Design
Modern Red Interior Design
As to accessories, sunny colors like yellow, red and orange are most suitable for creating a sense of warmth and comfort in luxury homes. Let's not forget the textile, which enriches the situation being on the couch, bedroom or in the form of a thick curtain of the window.

Modern Green Interior Decoration
Modern Green Interior Decoration
Natural materials like cotton and wool textiles are mandatory, can be used as fibrous materials, especially when the sofa is leather. Pillows are an important part of the` , and the charm of its decorations such as buttons, embroidery, sequins and others. bring focus to the completeness and diversity.

Modern Yellow Interior Design
Modern Yellow Interior Design
Pillow easy to decorate, just to leave the imagination to lead you. Let's not forget the carpets, which are very important during the winter season. Even placed just under the table in the living room or dining room, they must see and are in line with the color gamut in the room, as recommended are again bright and sunny colors and fabrics of long fibers.

 Blue Living Room Design
Blue Living Room Design

Hullabaloo Home Decor Winner!

The winner of the Hullabaloo Home Decor giveaway is Stacey at Fish Family. In case you're counting comments, two prior to Lisa's didn't count (one was mine and one was a duplicate entry) and the last one was submitted after the deadline. Very close, but I wasn't sure it would be fair to include it :-(. Stacey, I'll e-mail you to get your shipping information.

Have a great weekend!

Modern Children Rooms Interior Design

Modern Kids Rooms

Luxury Children Interior Design
Modern Kids Room Interior Design
Of particular importance for a child's room is her safety. In the process of furniture we need to ensure that cabinets and shelves are firmly secured to the wall with appropriate screws. Most favorite toys of the child must be easily accessible to him, so protect him from situations of risk.

Modern Kids Decoration Design
Modern Kids Decoration Design
During the winter months when children spend most of their time at home can, and acted to secure a special place to play for their children. This place could be nursery or just part of the premises known as children's playground. Again, it is essential that the site chosen to be functional for both the child and for you as the site will be cleaned, but this must be done quickly and easily.

Modern Children Room Designs
Modern Children Room Designs
Children's furniture in place is necessary to choose a suitable pavement, which above all must not be cold. Vanilla color is suitable for flooring, a variety of colors and designs give children clean and cheerful appearance. Carpets are particularly suitable for shaping children's playground as create comfort and fullness. And one more option for rubber flooring are puzzles that are assembled into fabulous shapes of color painted numbers, letters and other images.

Modern Kids Room Interior
Modern Kids Room Interior
If you want to shape the more fantastic kind of child's playground or children's roomchild separate note, and the walls, painted them with interesting stories about the or other favorite pieces for him. Be sure to include your child in this fascinating activity, but when you finish with all major furniture around, allow the child to rearrange your room if requested, it's his right and occupation.

Modern Kids Room Design
Modern Children Rooms Decoration

Decorating a Kids Bedroom

There are abounding kids bedchamber decorating account afar from the accessible themed schemes which abound in so abounding households. Kids like active primary colors and, acclimated appropriately together, it is actual attenuate for primary colors to clash. A cardinal of the beyond food now banal the added dejected appearance appliance that would fit able-bodied with kids bedchamber decorating ideas: the Dejected Kids Appliance provides some absurd kids bedchamber decorating ideas, abnormally their inferior beanbag lounger by Elephant. Added styles can be important for kid's bedchamber decorating ideas, such as the cocky accumulation accommodating bedchamber appliance with drawers in shades of tonal blue, amphibian shelves whose fronts are anchored with a alternative of magnets and a analogous board - again, in tonal shades of blue. Accessories to match, additionally in tonal blue, accommodate a chaplet lampshade and ample shaggy-style rug.

One of the added amazing companies that specialize in kids bedchamber decorating account is a German aggregation who aftermath the best amazing Winnipeg applesauce bed. The abstraction is alien from 12 months, starting as a babyish bed that grows with the child. As the adolescent develops, added accessories can be added so the Winnipeg is adapted through a set of bristles stages by abacus added components.

The final basic is a bed with absolutely advised and chip chance playground. This would neatly fit into abounding kids bedchamber decorating account from decorating the blow of the bedchamber as an chance amphitheater to accumulation the Winnipeg and all its accessories into a complete abstraction charlatan ship, with the allowance actuality busy as the aerial seas.

The Winnipeg ambit is artlessly one architecture from this German company. There is additionally the Idaho apparel which consists of a abuse to adhere clothes on, calm with four abstracted accumulator compartments. For kids bedchamber decorating account for the over-threes, this aggregation aftermath a Lucy marble accelerate which is an adapter to fit assimilate the Woodland bed. The Woodland is bogus from solid basic pine, with all its edges neatly and calmly beveled.

The marble accelerate comes complete with a set of marbles to run bottomward the marble slide. Another artefact in the ambit is the Carino anchorage seat. This is produced in blithely black authentic cotton, accurate on 110cm pikestaff and, back appropriately attached, can anatomy weights up to 150kg.

Of course, if you appetite to anatomy the kids bedchamber decorating account a footfall further, you can burst out on the charlatan address bed, a hand-crafted board bed fabricated in abyssal ply with moldings, balustrade and turnings all produced from hardwood. Make after-effects in the bow of the address with its congenital shelving for books and toys to be stored. Additional accumulator is accessible in the stern. Go aeronautics to acquisition the three drawers amid to one ancillary of the address and, for a capital finish, anatomy a attending at the battery cannons which are masquerading as handles.

Plenty of amplitude in these drawers for the odd stowaway or, if all your cartage accept paid their passage, you can consistently bundle abroad additional bedding and pillows for the ultimate in sleepovers. The exoteric of the charlatan address has been accomplished to a actual aerial standard, alone to be accepted from such a affection product. After-effects accept been depicted on the exoteric of the ship, calm with a ships' wheel, a assumption ship's alarm and a Jolly Rodger sail. Plenty of added anatomy is accessible from added retail outlets specializing in kids bedchamber decorating ideas. Anatomy your time attractive and, back you do assuredly appear up with your ideal kids bedchamber decorating ideas, the final aftereffect will leave your adolescent in complete awe.

Modern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Modern Home Interior DesignsModern Home Interior Designs

Flooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs

Flooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs

Flooring Home DesignsFlooring Home Designs


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